Sunday, 27 March 2016

Sunday Snap – The Angel of the North

Sunday Snap – The Angel of the North

For last week's Sunday Snap we were looking at a church in a National Trust park. I asked what park it was in and the answer was

Clumber Park

It seems everyone was stumped by last week's question!

We've been on our pre-Easter road trip this week gathering photographs for future editions of Sunday Snap. Our first stop was the The Angel of the North. If you see from the A1 it can look as if it is perched high on a hill. When you approach it from the A167 into Low Fell many people are surprised that you turn a corner and there it is. A small car park by it means anyone can stop and walk around it.

The structure was originally commissioned by Gateshead Council. It stands 20m tall with a wing span of 54m. In total it weighs 208 tonnes with the wings alone weighing 50 tonnes each. Due to its exposed position is has been designed to withstand winds of over 100 miles per hour. Below the ground four columns have been drilled 33m into the ground and into the coal seam – a source of inspiration for the designer. Since it was installed in 1998 it is estimated that the Angel of the North is seen by 90,000 every day and 33 million annually. This week's question is

Who designed The Angel of the North?

We were joined last week by Susan and a swing in the park and losing some teeth – thankfully not the same child! Sue has been continuing her awareness of blood cancers with Team Light Sabers. In India Bushra has been telling us about Christ Church in Noida. For Kara there was a visit to the woods and a trip on a little steam train.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 1st April 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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  1. I'm sure this is Anthony Gormley, but not 100%. I have seen this and it's magnificent xx

  2. I have no idea bout the Angel of the North and I have never actually seen it but I suspect it is magnificent. Mich x

  3. It is something I have never seen but would love to just to say I had seen it. I don't know the answer I'm afraid

  4. Oh I know this one and as we only live an hour away we have visited a couple of times - Anthony Gormley

  5. Like the idea of Sunday Snap :) Loved reading some history of the Angel of the North. I've driven past so many times but never knew the history.

  6. What an interesting piece of artwork!

  7. Looks amazing. Sadly, I've never seen the Angel of the North. Thanks for sharing your snap though x

  8. Its great to know and learn about all these fascinating landmarks and places through your weekly posts.

  9. No idea but we passed it about 12 years ago on our way home from Northumberland.


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