Wednesday, 18 February 2015

London by night

Mr JibberJabber and I may have been married for 16 years now but we still like a few romantic gestures now and again. It won't have escaped your attention that last Saturday was St. Valentine's Day so what better an excuse than to escape into the centre of London for an evening walkabout.
In many towns and cities you'll only see them lit up around Christmas time but London is alive with colour and lights all year round.
We started off on the South Bank with a look at the London Eye and across the Thames to the Houses of Parliament. The queue was massive for the London Eye. I've been on it in both the daytime and evening and the views were spectacular on both occasions.
The first bridges you come to are the Charing Cross bridges – the pedestrian Golden Jubilee bridges and the Hungerford railway bridge. Behind them you can see the Savoy and Shell Mex buildings. The trains make quite a racket coming in and out of Charing Cross so to get over the river we walked on.
A little further up is the road is Waterloo Bridge. To get a stunning view of St. Paul's we crossed over. Saturday night was really mild with no wind but as soon as we got on the other the I could feel a chilly blast coming at me off a very choppy looking Thames.
Down the other side of the river along the Victoria Embankment bank towards Westminster we walked. You don't realise how big the London Eye is until you try to take a photograph of it and you keep have to step further and further back!
We went further into the West End after that but I'll save that for this week's Sunday Snap. We knew it was going to be a special night when even South West Trains were willing to share the love around.

Thank you to Mother, Father and Brother JibberJabber for entertaining the Juniors and making this evening possible.

Linking up with Point + Shoot with Aby at You Baby Me Mummy and Em at Snowing Indoors


  1. These are fab photos! London is so pretty at night! #PointShoot

  2. I didn't realise just how lovely London looked at night, glad you had a wonderful night out

    Thanks for joining in with Point + Shoot xx

  3. Such great pictures! Glad you had a good night. Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x

  4. Your pictures are great! They look right of a magazine! #PointShoot


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