Sunday, 28 September 2014

Sunday Snap – The Surviving Abbey

We had quite a few right answers for last week's Sunday Snap of Book Alley. First out of the blocks was Nadia who spotted the post on Facebook and came up with

Despite its very English sounding name it is just over the border is Wales and the reason I know is that in the shops the English tourists were being charge 5p for carrier bags. I thoroughly recommend it for a visit and if books aren't your bag the surrounding countryside is quite breathtaking.

For this week as it's Sunday we have gone appropriately religious. The Abbey pictured above is lucky still to be standing. Back in the day when Henry VIII got himself in a tizz and set upon his plan for the dissolution of the all the monasteries, priories, convents and friaries this Abbey was all ready to be demolished. However, the parishioners insisted it was their parish church and managed to buy it off the Crown for the princely sum of £453; thus saving it for future generations. In recent years it has become a symbol of the town's struggle against the floods as the surrounding land was covered with water.

So which Abbey is it?


  1. What a stunning picture and my only guess is Tewkesbury because I've been there and it looks similar.

  2. I have no idea I'm afraid, but it looks stunning!

  3. What a stunning place I would love to visit here

  4. Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire I think. I've sung there!

  5. Amazing place but I have no idea where x

  6. No idea but it looks beautiful

  7. I have no idea where it is but am glad that the villagers saved it from destruction and saved it for future generations.

  8. What a wonderful picture and post.x

  9. I love the arched ceiling but I couldn't tell you which Abbey it is!

  10. Very beautiful , i have no idea where it is.

  11. This looks a lot like the Abbey in Nante I visited a few weeks ago! I'm not religious at all but I can definitely appreciate the details of the architecture in places like this.

  12. I really couldn't guess, but it is very beautiful :)


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